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 Berner Sennenhund/Bernese Mountain Dog

•  Bernergänget
•  Stenalyckans Kennel
•  Ellebäckens kennel
•  Bernerhome, Holland/the Netherlands
•  Tango Amore, Tjeckien/Czech Republic
•  El Cid, Tjeckien/Czech Republic
•  Flinga
•  Kid

 Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund/Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

•  ZKraje Sveta, Tjeckien/Czech Republic


•  Kennel Landgold
•  Kennel Land and seer


•  Moony's Kennel, Mittelspitz
•  Surprise Star, Collies
•  SKK
•  Jordbruksverket
•  Kennel.se
•  C30 (Center of Clinical Comparative Oncology)
Best in Show hundfoder